

For More Distance, Check Your Attack Angle on TrackMan

By Brian Hwang, Teaching ProfessionalBrian Hwang PGA teaching pro

Teaching pros are always stressing the importance of hitting down on the ball. A downward strike, with a steep “attack angle,” increases spin and distance, two things golfers can never get enough of.

Our TrackMan simulators at The Bridge Golf Learning Center analyze 26 different data points for every golf swing they record. Most players have a laser focus on the total yards box, but the numbers in the attack angle box are much more instructive.

First, some science: attack angle measures the angle of the clubhead relative to the ground at the time of impact. A downward strike generates a negative number; an upward strike generates a positive number.

brian-swing-numbers-comboTo illustrate the importance of attack angle, I took two swings with my 7-iron. As you can see from the data at right, an attack angle of -2.7 degrees resulted in 165.5 yards of carry and a total distance of 174.7. Not bad. But notice what happens with the steeper swing. With an attack angle of -5.8 degrees, I gained 3 yards in carry and 7.3 yards total.

To help you visualize the difference in these two swings, I used TrackMan’s camera and comparison tools. Take a close look at the yellow impact line in the photos below. At left, with an attack angle of -5.8, the line is above my right forearm. At right, with an attack angle of -2.7, the line is below my right forearm.


TrackMan is an amazing tool for understanding both the mechanics of your own golf swing and the overall physics of the game. No matter what your handicap, you are bound to improve as you dig into the data TrackMan captures.

To see for yourself, contact me at [email protected] and we’ll schedule a time for a lesson.