It was a great morning for the young men of The Bridge Golf Foundation.
Tariq Washington was fighting a strong wind off the water as he stood on the first tee on the par 3 course at The Bridge on Monday. It was the “beat the pro” hole, where any player who ended up closer to the pin than Director of Instruction Mike Sweeney would win a hat for his teammates.
Tariq delivered the shot of the day, a high draw that fought the wind and settled 4 feet from the pin. Mike nearly matched him with a solid shot of his own to 8 feet, but the win, and the hats, went to Tariq and his teammates.
This was just one highlight from a great morning at The Bridge. Our young men made the early morning bus trip from Harlem to Bridgehampton and played in a scramble with Foundation supporters and junior golfers from The Bridge, the spectacular club owned by our Foundation’s Chairman and Co-Founder, Robert M. Rubin.
Five groups went out for the morning event. Josiah Yoba, Zion Smith and Kyle Barthelmy were the winning team, with Juan Cortorreal, Noah Folks and Michael Alameda coming in second. All of our players, however, were recognized for the amazing progress they have made this year, on and off the course.
The par 3 tournament was followed this afternoon by our second annual charity event, with 15 foursomes playing a Texas Shamble, followed by dinner and an auction.

Tariq Washington was congratulated by his teammates after hitting the shot of the day to “beat the pro,” Director of Instruction Mike Sweeney, second from right.

Dr. Alvin “Swan” Sewell played with, from left, Josiah Yoba, Zion Smith and Kyle Barthelmy. Teaching Pro Brian Hwang provided the coaching. (Photos by Margarita Corporan)

From left, Juan Cortorreal, Michael Alameda and Alex Moller played with Carter Rich of the USGA.

Brandi Seymour with Dameul McGill.

Jaden Jackson with Dameul McGill.

Zion Smith had a moment to himself on the way to the green.

Kyle Barthelmy showed great form on this shot.