As the sun set on our third annual fundraising outing at The Bridge on Saturday evening, Executive Director Farrell Evans spoke about what made the place, the cause and the event unique.
“If you’ve played The Bridge, you know this is much more than a golf course,” he said, “and The Bridge Golf Foundation is about much more than golf.”
The Bridge combines world class golf with an eclectic art collection and awe-inspiring architecture. The Bridge Golf Foundation combines junior golf with STEM, character education and a mission to close the achievement gap for young men of color. Saturday’s event brought these unique entities together.
The day began at 10:30 with a tournament on the par-3 course featuring the young men in our program and our supporters. After lunch, twenty foursomes went off for a scramble on the main course. Some of our more seasoned junior players joined the adults, while other students took to the course to man the long-drive and closest-to-the pin competitions. Many of our students’ parents were also on hand, and some even got a lesson.
After golf, dinner and drinks, Teaching Pro Randy Taylor announced the par-3 results and our young men served as emcees to announce the adult winners and hand out prizes. The big winners were Toby Stern, Jon Stern, Jamie Magid and Jon Guenberg, who came in with a 59 to edge Bob Rubin, Mark Johnson, Morgan Trent and Mike Sweeney in a scorecard playoff.
Rubin, the founder of The Bridge and Co-Founder of our Foundation, also spoke on Saturday evening about his experience with the Foundation, plans for the future, and the dedication of the staff.
“I’ve now had three years of exposure to the optimism and enthusiasm not only of these young men, but their parents,” he said. “I have also been impressed and heartened by the enthusiasm of the staff. The people who work at The Bridge Golf Foundation love the boys and love what they do. That’s an inspiration to me because I worked in a pretty mercenary environment. It’s refreshing to see people who have a broader perspective on things.”
The night ended with a screening of a special video featuring the mothers of Foundation students. The video was produced by Foray Golf, a women’s golf fashion brand founded by Bridge member Megan LaMothe.
As always, this annual event was more than a golf outing. It was a celebration of the young men, families, donors and staff who make our work possible.
All photos by Margarita Corporan

Charles Frazier and Farrell Evans

Earl Cooper of Wilmington, Del., was recently named one of the best young teachers in America by Golf Digest.

Mark Johnson, Morgan Trent, Bob Rubin and Mike Sweeney

Evan Schacter, Brian Grieve, Tyler Brenneman and Spencer Kushner

Charles Frazier, Eric McLendon, Earl Cooper and Bill Allen

Brandi Seymour, Nicholas Callaway, Tiffany Hall and Farrell Evans

John Fizer, Alvin Hudgins, John Fizer and Josiah Yoba

Jon Johnson, Learning Center board member Malcolm Gillian, Henry Lopez and Eric Colombel

Steven Prince, second from right, and Jeffrey Golenbock

Peter Stern, second from right, and Jake Kaplan, far right.

Foundation board member Troy Dixon, left, with guests.

Foundation board member Stuart Downing, Riche McKnight and Luis Penalver

Todd Bordonaro, Chris Doeblin, Kevin Guthrie and Baraka Stewart

Jeff Warne, director of golf at The Bridge, gave a clinic to the Foundation families who came out for the day.

Neicee Sanchez-Johnson’s son, Dameul McGill, is a student at the Foundation.

Stéphane Samuel

Bob Rubin, founder of The Bridge and co-founder of The Bridge Golf Foundation

Teaching Professional Brian Hwang

Woody Victor

LaToya Finney, Kim Parker, Carra Wallace

Farrell Evans with Will Moeller, center, and his brother Alex.

Brandi Seymour and Tiffany Hall

Earl Cooper, Bill Allen, Eric McLendon and Farrell Evans

From left, Jamie Magid, Blake Wilson, Xavier Partee, Alejandro Martinez, Toby Stern, Michael Alameda, Jon Stern and Jon Guenberg

From left, Na’eema Stanton Scarborough, Terry Vega and Linzette Smith.

David C. Banks, the president and CEO of the Eagle Academy Foundation

Olivia Myrick and Spencer Kushner

Luis Penlaver, Carra Wallace, Troy Dixon, Melissa Alvarez-Downing and Stuart Downing