Horace Shelton with Teaching Pro Tyler Lower.
Horace Shelton, a 10th grader at Central Park East High School, started in our after school program in October. He recently fielded some questions from Charlie Hanger, digital content manager for The Bridge Golf Foundation.
CH: What do you think of the after school program so far?
HS: It’s going good, but the golf is hard. You have to remember so much to do it right — how to get your arms and the rest of your body into the right positions. I have noticed that I’m getting better, though. On the first day, I couldn’t even make contact with the ball, but now I hit it almost every time. And with putting, now I know where the putt is going. You have to get a feel for the motion and how hard to hit it.
I like that we get to do our homework, which can be a lot sometimes. I’ve been working on global history, ELA and science, and the tutors have been really helpful.
CH: How did you find out about the program?
HS: A representative from the foundation came to our school and talked about it. Golf was a new idea for me, but I was interested because I thought I could get support academically, and I could also learn a new sport that could help me in life.
CH: What other sports do you play?
HS: I like to play basketball in the park.
CH: What are your favorite subjects in school?
HS: I like history, ELA, and also gym. I like history because you can learn about people and cultures and how they were back then. I’d say the industrial revolution and World War II were the most interesting so far.
CH: Outside of school, what are you into?
HS: I’m into watching sports and TV shows and movies, and sometimes playing video games. I like watching basketball, especially Kyrie Irving, because he has good ball-handling skills and knows how to get to the rim. I’m not really a fan of the Nets or any team, though, just the player. I like to watch teenage TV shows on Netflix, like “All American.” My favorite movies are “Infinity War,“ “Good Burger,“ and “Space Jam“ with Michael Jordan.
CH: You’ve lived in New York City your entire life. How do you feel about the city?
HS: I like it because it’s such a big city and you get to see all of the different cultures around you, which is something that people in a lot of other places can’t really see. The only thing I don’t like about it is the transportation. The trains are delayed a lot, which makes getting around tough.